Move in Black - attribute speed setting?

Hi All,
i'm trying to work out where  to control the speed of movement when moving in black.

A simple scenario.
Sequence step1/Preset 1
Movers down stage centre , no gobo, open white. full intensity.

Sequence step 3/ Preset 3
Movers Centre stage, Movers centre stage, lines gobo,  magenta, full intensity

I want them to move between these postions as quickly as possibly, but in dark, so that the movemet & change isn't visble.  I insert a sequence step 2/preset 2 with Movers down stage centre , no gobo, open white., NO intensity to make this happen. (fades out intensity, ready to move)
I then set this step to follow on to the next step ( step3) so it happens automatically.

The problem is that the movement takes much longer than necessary; the lamps fade up & are visible while the movement is happening. I know that the movers are capable of moving much faster into position/change attribute as I can move them manually or by focus positions.

Where do I control the speed of movement for the attributes while the Auto Mark/ move in Black is happening?
Does Congo take the speed for pan/tilt/colour/gobo  from the following/upcoming preset ( i.e step 3) in which case it's far too slow, or from the step where it's fading to black ( step 2) ?
If this is the case do I manually have to adjust each attribute speed, for each mover, so that my fade in/out times for other lamps are kept as I would like them to appear in that step? and is so, which step should control these times?

There is a default Show Setting which seems to control newly recorded movements, but not previously recorded presets/steps, and nothing I can find that seems to set the default for MiB/AutoMark times.

Thanks in advance,

edit : corrected step 2 settings

[edited by: Ric at 10:21 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jul 1 2009] edit : corrected step 2 settings
  • Hi Ric

    If you don't want to see the light moving you have to create a step 2 with the movers at 0% and on step 3, if you use the GoOnB option, you go to times attributes and put a faster time like for instance if step 3 preset 3 has 4 sec you can put the time attributes with 0.5 sec. The only problem after this is how long the mechanic parts of the mover respond to that time.

    When you Record a new preset you have that option to put a time or delay on attributes or you can do this on the Sequence tab or if you click with you mouse on the Time of the Preset that you have on the Playback tab.

    Hope that this little things help you cause normally I use this when I use ours Revolution and don't want to see there movement. Sometimes I put a Delay Time on the Attributes time cause the fade out of the lamp it's a little bit longer than the time out of the preset.

    Pedro Alves

  • Hi Ric

    If you don't want to see the light moving you have to create a step 2 with the movers at 0% and on step 3, if you use the GoOnB option, you go to times attributes and put a faster time like for instance if step 3 preset 3 has 4 sec you can put the time attributes with 0.5 sec. The only problem after this is how long the mechanic parts of the mover respond to that time.

    When you Record a new preset you have that option to put a time or delay on attributes or you can do this on the Sequence tab or if you click with you mouse on the Time of the Preset that you have on the Playback tab.

    Hope that this little things help you cause normally I use this when I use ours Revolution and don't want to see there movement. Sometimes I put a Delay Time on the Attributes time cause the fade out of the lamp it's a little bit longer than the time out of the preset.

    Pedro Alves

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