Master Fader Ploblem

Hi All

I have a problem of Master Fader now.

If a memory is recorded in Master Fader 10 & 30 and Master Fader of 9 or 29 is raised, 10 or 30 will be execute suddenly for a moment even when nothing is being done on the board.


A reproduction method

1. It is not device or parameter specific.

2. Record preset of a position 1 and a color 1 to Fader 9 or 29.

3. Record preset of a position 2 and a color 2 to Fader 10 or 30.

4. Raise Fader 9 or 29.

WAITS for about 10 minutes. (Do not touch the borad)


Since the attribute of a moving device is LTP, a position, a color, etc. will change.

Would like a user that has a moving light connected to console check this to see if it is produced anywhere other then my consoles.

The problem does not always happen.

When it does it usually happen with in 5 min.

Have tried it with every version of software and in all types of fader setting.

This only happens on a Congo. Does not happen on a Jr.

Please let me know.

Best regerds,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi

    The outline of Master fader is not displayed.
    For a moment, it is in the state which carried out the flash.
    This flash is too early and is not known.
    The contents of preset are reproduced.

    However, all the positions and colors will be stopped on the way.
    Example :

    Between Position 1 & positions 2

    To the appearance between color 1 of Color wheel, and color 2

    If fader is raised by Feder of 9 for standby, Intensity will carry out a flash for a moment.
    In this case, Preset having contained intensity of preset of 9 is assigned to fader of 10.

    At Live attribute editer, where data is changed, it is displayed.

    Best regards,


  • Your faders are almost certainly 'nudging' slightly above 0%.

    This fault must lie with your particular setup - I've never heard of this happening to any other console at all.

    Just to be certain, I spent the whole of today with a Congo console primed to show large changes if any Master moved and they didn't.
    - For this test, I assigned the R, G, B attributes onto Masters 9, 10, and 11, pre-set the attribute to 50% and left it with the relevant channel selected. In this situation, any movement of the Master would take control of the attribute.

    So, a few things to check:

    • Are there any Congo Clients connected to the console?
      • These could easily take control if required.
    • Do you have a cellular (mobile) telephone or other radio transmitter sat on top of the console?
      • RF interference at extremely close range can cause spurious commands.
    • Are there any items at all on top of the console?
      • For example, a script or similar that may be getting knocked accidentally.
    • Do your faders have the small 'dead zone' at the top and bottom?
      • You should be able to move the faders around 1 to 2mm before the level changes.

    Finally, have you contacted your local ETC office yet? If not, give them a call and they can help you determine the cause and solve the problem.
