Scrollers in Content Effects


I've been trying to create a content effect with scrollers and am having some trouble.

I have 4 scrollers on channels 11-14.  I would like channel 11 to come up in frame 8 and then fade out while channel 12 comes up in frame 6 and then fade out; then channel 13 to come up in frame 16 and then fade out while channel 14 comes up in frame 9.  The whole sequence then to be repeated as a chase. 

I know it can't be done as a chase effect, because obviously you can't store the scroller frame information in that way.  I have managed to do it as a sequence, but I'm sure there must be a way of doing it as a content effect.  So far by using the colour palettes I've managed to get each individual scroller to come up in frame 8 and then fade out while the next comes up in the same frame, but I can't work out how to get each individual scroller to have a different frame as they come up.  By using the presets I've managed to get each individual scroller to come up in a different frame, but I can't get them to fade out when the next one comes up.

Any suggestions?



  • Are you wanting the scroller frames to chase as well as the intensities? You can write color palettes "by device" to get the mix of data for those channels and then use those in the Series. If the colors aren't chasing, just place that color palette into each step of the series (which would essentially be an intensity series containing some color data). If that's not what you're after, please provide some more detail and we'll help sort it out. :-)



  • Are you wanting the scroller frames to chase as well as the intensities? You can write color palettes "by device" to get the mix of data for those channels and then use those in the Series. If the colors aren't chasing, just place that color palette into each step of the series (which would essentially be an intensity series containing some color data). If that's not what you're after, please provide some more detail and we'll help sort it out. :-)



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