New Template Issue and Patching Question


We're currently using a set of unbranded LEDs which were brought in by the company for their show. I thought it would speed up tech time to construct a new template so we could use the standard device functions etc.

I successfully managed to create the new template but could not create any parameters within the editor, no matter how many times I pressed "INSERT" both on the Congo and the external keyboard. (I know the insert key works as I could insert the new template).

Having failed to create the new template, I thought I'd use an existing one and edit it to function as needed. But, although I could import and select the template, on entering the editor, there was no list of parameters and only a single row (this was the same for any template I used).

I couldn't resolve my issues with either a restart or a new show file so I'm more than a little bemused.

I'll have another play tomorrow but was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

On a separate note, I was trying to do some dimmer patching yesterday but am sure I have forgotten the best way to achieve it as I had to go to what I think was the channel editor and patch from there. Ignoring the fact that on 1 out of 10 dimmers, I had to retype the patch due to the congo not patching correctly, I'm sure there must be a better screen/function to use. I'm thinking there must be something along the line of 100 @ 20 to patch 100 to 20 or visa-versa.


  • I have a guess - please check that you have a parameter definitions list with parameters in it - that would explain what you're seeing. Next would be figuring out WHY you don't have a parameter definitions list... (Browser>Patching >Settings and Tools>Parameter Definitions)

    Thanks -


  • Hi,

    Nail on the head there Sarah. No parameter definitions list on the desk.

    We're working round with the old fashioned 1 channel per DMX address game for this show but an idea of how to reinstate the definitions would be great!

    On another unconnected note, we were trying to do a random chase with 3 lights earlier, but with more like 9 channels to make it look more random. I couldn't get the effects engine to use 9 steps with 3 channels and had to resort to a manual creation in the end. Have I missed something obvious?




  • Which version of Congo do you have?

    It *should* grab the parameter defintions automagically when you do a File > New. If it doesn't something is wrong and we need to figure out what.

    Did you start from an existing show or do a File > New?

    Do you have a Default Show?

    And on your final question:

    Have a look at "True Random" in the Chase Effect Wizard. This will let you have many more Parts than Channels, and will randomly distribute them rather than filling 'from the top'

    However, even better than that is to use a Content Effect with a Series of different 'Intensity' steps: Int at Full, Int at Zero, Int at 75, Int at 50 etc. Make a few copies of Full and Zero just to mix it up a bit.

    Then use "Play Mode: Random" on a sequential distribution of the three channels.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:31 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jul 10 2009]
  • It could happen if you open an none Congo ASCI file.

  • Hi,

    I'm not currently anywhere near the desk but can answer as best I can and have a further look when I'm back near it...

    I think we're currently one point behind the current software but we may have updated when I wasn't watching!

    I know we do have a default file but I'm almost certain that we used a new show for the plot in question. If not then I guess it is a question of somehow linking templates to the show? As a workaround for any future times we need templates I guess we can start from scratch without our default settings.

    I'll update as soon as I can!


  • In Congo v5 there is a "Default Show Data Wizard" that creates a file that's automatically used when you do File>New, so you always get the settings you want, and/or a standard patch etc. That's the function I meant.

    It's apparent that your show has got corrupted somehow, but it's hard to figure out how it happened without some more info.

    If you email your showfile to congo(at)etcconnect(dot)com we may be able to re-insert the parameter definitions for you, or at least extract the show data and import it onto a good show for future use.
