Channel Layouts not importing all information

Hi Guys,
I've tried importing a channel layout I made using the Offline Editor into the Congo at our Theatre.

All the Channels & groups import ok in their basic location, but all the Lines, Symbols & Colours I'd set have not imported.
It returns it to a basic Channel, laid out where I had the Symbols.
I can duplicate the problem in the Offline Editor by importing the Channel Layout into the same Play.
Is there any way around this?
Parents Reply
  • Thanks for your quick reply Anders.

    There's not an Import option call Channel Data, so I tried importing Channel Setup as well as Channel Layout. That worked !

    It does seem illogical to have to do that though, and having to import 2 times to get one lot of information into the play is extra time & fuss.

    There doesn't seem to be any option of selecting more than one item to import at a a time.
    Perhaps the wording & dependency (i.e I need to import a Channel Layout, it will require both Channel Layout AND Channel Setup information)  of importing items can be looked at in a later version of software.
  • Sorry, I meant Channel Setup of course.

    I agree that it isn't obvious that you have to import these things separately. But, because of the way the import function works in combination with the ASCII Light Cues file format, it needs to be done in this way since the symbol information is stored in the Channel Database and not in the layout itself.

    There are other imports that also require several steps (like importing a preset that refers to a palette that needs to have a device and a template). In the manual, we have tried to point these things out but we should probably add something about the Channel Layouts depending on the Channel Database.
