Congo v6 - see it in action...

Watch the movie here. :-)

Stay tuned....

Parents Reply Children
  • Wow!   You guys make waiting hard, but worth it!   The channel information alone in the Live tab is incredible, with text labels and color mixing indicators right there, it will really speed up programming.  I also like the file management, that is something that I have found difficult to accomplish in the past, but this looks cool.  Just playing at home now, but can't wait to fire up the console and load this in tomorrow morning.  Thanks again.

  • V6 is very cool, worth the wait.  The channel display is incredibly cool, love the channel texts and color information that was added.  Also, I love the file management stuff, little thing, but really a big help.  I'm playing offline at home now, but can't wait for the morning to fire up the console.  Thanks!
