New Congo Training Tutorials available now

Well, it only took us a few years, but we noticed that the Congo training tutorials were a little out of date. So, Ulf has been busy putting together entirely new tutorials using the new v6 software.

Take a look here!

Thanks -


  • So, do you guys like teasing us?  Is this fun for you to dangle v6 out there for us to see little bits and pieces but not get our hands on it?  Are you enjoying tormenting us by getting our hopes up, and then dashing them with words like "coming soon" and "later this summer"? 

    Seriously, though, the tutorials look great, especially the one describing the new docks!  Can't wait to see more with the new channel view interface, little glimpses have shown us a little, but I want to see more!

  • So, do you guys like teasing us?  Is this fun for you to dangle v6 out there for us to see little bits and pieces but not get our hands on it?  Are you enjoying tormenting us by getting our hopes up, and then dashing them with words like "coming soon" and "later this summer"? 

    Seriously, though, the tutorials look great, especially the one describing the new docks!  Can't wait to see more with the new channel view interface, little glimpses have shown us a little, but I want to see more!

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