Minor 'Independents' bug ? -client mode

Hi there,

More for info than anything else, but I've come across an apparent anomoly in accessing the independents when the consoles are in 'Client' mode (v4.3.0).

Normally, we access the indepedents by holding 'Setup' and pressing the Independent's key or moving its knob, however, when the desks are set to work in Client mode, this doesn't work quite as advertised.

Holding Setup and pressing one of the keys for the indepents 7-9 works ok but trying it with the knobs for 1-6 opens up the Settings dialogue (which you would get by pressing Setup on its own)

It's not an enormous problem as you can still access the independents from the browser but it did strikeme as a little strange.

This seems to be true of both the full-sized Congo (Sr) and the Congo Jr.

When set to work as Server, the independents can be accessed by either method.



