auto move on Macs

Hi all i have 26 Macs 300 and 500 just wondered on some cues with the int went to 0% the Unit auto moved but on some cues this did not happen which ment the units to scroll though col & beam to get to there next postion when i hit go.

Do you know what i was doing wrong, I've deleted the show now as it was only a one nighter so carnt send it people sorry.



  • To use move-while-dark you need to set "GoInB" for the sequence step and/or per-fixture in the preset.

    It can be set in either location, and it sounds like you'd set "GoInB" for the sequence step but had set "GoOnGo" for some of the fixtures.

    Unfortunately I can't be any more specific without the show file!

  • To use move-while-dark you need to set "GoInB" for the sequence step and/or per-fixture in the preset.

    It can be set in either location, and it sounds like you'd set "GoInB" for the sequence step but had set "GoOnGo" for some of the fixtures.

    Unfortunately I can't be any more specific without the show file!
