
I am running 6 mac 500 all with the same template but when i select my beam palletes which works in V5 I know get ???? over Go-bo2 on 1 of them I have tried changing numbers and the ??? stays on channel 205 so I know its not my fixtures.

Any thoughts.


  • Can you send us the showfile you're seeing this in?

    Best email would be congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com, or you could attach it to a post on here.

    [edited by: Richard at 2:35 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Sep 21 2009]
  • As an update to anyone else who may see this issue in their show:

    If you accidentally repatch intelligent devices such that they 'overlap', only one of the devices will have control of the overlapped DMX output.
    - Congo will simply 'mask out' the other attributes, and indicates this with a blank cell in Live Attributes.

    You can only get into this state by making updates to the template after patching. Congo doesn't stop you doing that as it would be very annoying if it prevented you from cleaning up mistakes in your templates - eg if you originally didn't think your fixture had a speed attribute, and it turns out that it does, or if you change the template used by a given device - eg swapping out Robe fixtures for Martin near-equivalents.

    So if you do find the need to change device templates after patching, be sure to check for overlaps.
    The easiest place to do this is in the Output Editor, as every patched device shows a bar indicating the footprint. If some devices overlap, then they'll either be 'missing' from the list or you'll clearly see the overlap between them.

    [edited by: Richard at 2:55 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Sep 21 2009]