Congo v6 - a note about changed logic for ML controls

In v6, there is an important change in the way the ML controls work that might be worth pointing out.

In v6, all ML controls and the FCB buttons will control the focused view. In v5.x, they always controlled the lights in Live and you had to use the spreadsheet editor to change values in presets etc.

We have now allowed the ML controls to work directly in the Sequence List, Preset List etc. to simplify changes. But, this means that you have to be a lot more careful about which tab that is focused when you use the ML controls. Also, you have to make sure that the channels that you want to control are selected in the focused tab, otherwise you won't be able to control them.

Parents Reply
  • ML Controls doesn't work in the Master Editor because the masters can be both live or blind or anything in between. This makes it difficult to handle editing in a proper way.

    However, I am not sure in what way you mean that this changed. It wasn't possible before to edit attributes inside a master in v5.x either. Can you clarify what it is that you are missing? Or maybe describe your working method.

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