Two odd v6.01 behaviors

Two things that are a bit odd in v6.01...

1)  When starting up console (I do use bypass start up screen) no tabs are focused, so until I mouse click a tab or a browser, the navigation keys don't work at all, just playback keys and channel selection keys.  Not a huge issue, just always had a focused browser or tab before.

2) When using remote controls (both with the cRRFU or iRFR) need to add zeros to preset number to go to it.  For example, to go to Preset 6 I have to type in 600 Goto . When going to Preset 17.5, had to type in 1750 Goto. I thought both of my remotes weren't working at first, but the Go and Go Back buttons worked fine, it took some experimenting to find if I add the extra zeros that it would goto those presets. 

I didn't notice either of these issues in the release notes, thought I would share.


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