v6: Unable to clear master content


Since v6, we are unable to clear masters containing PARAMETER, using <C> + master key. This is true for all our consoles, both jr and sr. It works fine if we do it through the master page list, but it is too slow for laying out parameters for quick adjustments.

We haven't tried all different kinds of content, but at least GROUP masters can be cleared the old way.



  • Hi,

    In v6, we have improved the functionality of parameters loaded onto masters which changed the master button behavior.

    The idea is that the master key will behave like the wheel key for a parameter that is loaded to the master. You can hold it down to get a choice of parameter ranges, you can type a number and press it to enter a specific value or you can press it without a number to toggle between end positions, just like you can on the wheel keys.

    However, since the master key is now a parameter key and not a master key (this is similar to how it works when you assign Key content to a master button when the master button actually turns into the key you have loaded), shortcuts like C & Master won't work. So, currently you have to clear the master in the master list.

    Since you apparently miss the possibility to clear these masters in the same way as before, we should probably consider added a new shortcut to allow C & Parameter to clear the master as well.



  • That would ne nice, yes. Certain types of parameters, like color components we often assign to masters for quick adjustments etc. We do the changes, and then clear it. The added functionality is really nice, but since it is loaded to a master key, I find it most intuitive to be able to clear it like any other master key. And also, as intuitive as going in to a master page list to clear a PARAM-key.

  • I did have the same problem.

    But when I did change the master page's , the parameters in the master were disappears.

    It's just a pity, I couldn't reproduce the same problem the day after.

