2 Server sind online

Wir haben seit dem Sommer das Problem das ab und an mal das Backup (Congo Jr) die Meldung gibt,das 2 Server online sind - woran kann das liegen?

Wir haben am Netzwerk nichts verändert und ein Jahr lang lief es problemlos ohne diese Meldung - die zwar über "Einstellungen-Netzwerk-Serverbefehle-als Backup zwingen" leicht zu beheben ist,aber es muß ja irgendein Grundproblem vorhanden sein

Das es so leicht zu beheben ist zeigt ja,das dieses Problem nicht unbekannt ist.


Es grüßt


vom Theater Dortmund

  • Hallo Sabine,

    Have you changed anything else in the system? Have you changed the Congo software to a newer version perhaps?

    The reason that we have the command in the Browser to force a server to backup is that you could get into the 2 server situation if the network cable between the server and backup is disconnected for some reason. This is the only situation where it should happen.

    If the backup takes over when there is a physical connection with the server, this indicates that there are long delays on the network or that several network packages gets lost. Do you have a drawing of the network that you can send to congo (at) etcconnect dot com? Also, it would be interesting to have a look at the congo.log file from the backup after it takes over. There might be something logged about the reason. If possible, could you send us this file? It is in the C:\CONGO folder.

  • Hallo Sabine,

    Have you changed anything else in the system? Have you changed the Congo software to a newer version perhaps?

    The reason that we have the command in the Browser to force a server to backup is that you could get into the 2 server situation if the network cable between the server and backup is disconnected for some reason. This is the only situation where it should happen.

    If the backup takes over when there is a physical connection with the server, this indicates that there are long delays on the network or that several network packages gets lost. Do you have a drawing of the network that you can send to congo (at) etcconnect dot com? Also, it would be interesting to have a look at the congo.log file from the backup after it takes over. There might be something logged about the reason. If possible, could you send us this file? It is in the C:\CONGO folder.
