Issues / Feature Requests

Hi .. we've owned a Congo since 05. I love this console, but as with all things leading edge occasionally there are hiccups. Let's use this post to report odd behaviours, work arounds, and feature requests to ETC and Congo development.

David Brenchley

Hope Community Church

Raleigh, NC 


[edited by: Dave at 3:43 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 15 2006]
  • He's back ...

    Got another odd one that just cropped up ..

    It seems only devices are assigned a "label" in live view. We have a moderate # of conventionals, so as a work around I created a Source 4 template w/o any DMX assignments. This allowed the label I assigned in the channel Dbase to appear in the live tab. This worked with no issues in ver 4.1 and I had thought in 4.2, but in a recently created play file, every time we load the play we lose the labels in live, and the devices from device settings, though the remain in the channel dbase. each time I have to go into device and re add the psuedo devices ..

    and another .. though we employ good play saving practices and have system setting set to "save on record" .. if the system hangs .. we lose a significant amount of presets created before the last save operation ...

    THOUGHTS ????

  • Hi Dave -

    Could you please send me your play file so I can look into what's going on here? I have not heard this problem before. (sarah dot clausen at

    What version of software are you running? I'm not sure how you can lose presets created before a save operation...

    Thanks much -



  • Sure Sarah .. I'll get it off to you in the morning ... I agree it's bizzare .. though you'll have to find a series of K/S to make the system hang ..

    I just may have a set of those as well ...


    Feature request -> is is possible in a future patch that when a play fill is loaded the direct selects come up in the state they were in when the play was last saved ??


  • Sure Sarah .. I'll get it off to you in the morning ... I agree it's bizzare .. though you'll have to find a series of K/S to make the system hang ..

    I just may have a set of those as well ...


    Feature request -> is is possible in a future patch that when a play fill is loaded the direct selects come up in the state they were in when the play was last saved ??


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