Issues / Feature Requests

Hi .. we've owned a Congo since 05. I love this console, but as with all things leading edge occasionally there are hiccups. Let's use this post to report odd behaviours, work arounds, and feature requests to ETC and Congo development.

David Brenchley

Hope Community Church

Raleigh, NC 


[edited by: Dave at 3:43 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 15 2006]
  • Quirks/Issues:

    Group List Display doesn't update the list when deleting a group in the list view: "# DEL" will delete it--shows in the Direct Selects as gone--but the list keeps it until you delete another one. No big deal, just odd.

    Group List Display and Preset List Display (non-zero) do not, when opened, show the entire range of channels recorded into the group or preset, from the beginning, no matter if I zoom the format or toggle through them I miss the starting numbers: I have to cheat the display by typing in a bogus low channel [i.e. "1 CH 0 CH"] to pop the display range so that all channels will show.

    Similarly, Live Attributes Display (selected) does not always keep up with the live selections, particularly if I select channels to work with, making the display blank, and then go back to selecting fixtures. Typically I have to close the tab and re-open it to refresh the view.

    Actually, this issue of keeping up with live selections happens across other displays as well--Palette Attribute Editor>Beam Palettes (selected), for instance--so I will stop picking them out. But I think it's important to resolve because of the ability to edit so many things based on what's selected Live.

    Smart text-wrapping for the Direct Selects and the Masters so they display legibly on the LCDs. As entered, text labels break badly for Color Palettes and such. My workaround is to force extra spaces into Group and Palette labels, which works fine for the LCDs but poorly for attributes referencing palettes in the Live Attributes display. A Focus Palette labeled "SL Chair" must be entered "SL     Chair," which looks good on a Direct Select or a Master, but under Live Attributes looks like "SL..." For colors I can at least use brand labels like 'L181' or 'R44.' 

    How about a progress bar for saves? I would find it reassuring if rather than a static hourglass I saw some kind of start-to-finish movement.

    Similarly--also in the spirit of idiot-proofing here, mind you, and I know what that makes me--if the Don't Touch Anything! hourglass were a little less subtle I'd be grateful. I'm sure most other operators on this forum have better sense than I do, but I have more than once failed to notice that the console was STILL SAVING and started trying to punch buttons, thus slowing down my day even more while the poor thing tries to recover. In some cases the Save show popup still appears active while saving, which I find misleading. 

    I'm so glad to hear of an upcoming UNDO button!

    Why is it that the level wheel stays active while the Record Preset popup is open? I have sometimes, usually when using the Advanced tab on recording a Preset, bumped the level wheel, dropping the Live levels onstage and corrupting my Preset. It's right below the down arrow key, which I use to navigate through the advanced tab options, and so my right thumb will brush it accidentally, dipping my intensities. Also--this is my own fault--I've become so used to scrolling down lists with the wheel + down arrow combination that a couple of times before my brain could stop my hands I've actually tried to scroll through the record popup, dumping my stage light. That at least I have now managed to stop myself doing, but I have to say I find it awkward to avoid the accidental brush.

    Thanks for this thread! A great place for feedback.


  • Anne -

    What version of software are you running? We haven't seen a lot of the items you mention above, so we're curious...

    Regarding channel views on the whole, each editor has its own channel selection - the Live selection actually only gets pulled into occasional wizards, never any editor tabs (Group List, Preset List, Sequence List...). Also, if a view is not showing the lowest channel numbers, you can get back there by selecting channel 1 as you mention, however you can do this without selecting anything by using the CH & Up or Down arrows to page, or CH & Level Wheel to scroll up and down in the channel display.

    Thanks -



  • Ah, thanks Sarah! for some reason it simply hadn't occurred to me to, you know, use the proper keystrokes there. Um. Rats. [smacks self on head].

    I'm on v4.2.1 at the moment & also looking forward to the MacCongo beta. 

    I could have sworn I've had live content pulled into the group editor before, but I do tend to bounce back and forth between Live and Group List while editing and it's highly likely I've actually put it there myself accidentally. I feel pretty confident about the rest of the list though.

    If it is helpful, I forwarded a show file of mine to your engineers recently for a crash issue. I wouldn't have thought to ask you to dig into it for what look to me like simple bugs, but if I'm the only one out there experiencing them, by all means, have at it! I really don't want to be special.

  • Ah, thanks Sarah! for some reason it simply hadn't occurred to me to, you know, use the proper keystrokes there. Um. Rats. [smacks self on head].

    I'm on v4.2.1 at the moment & also looking forward to the MacCongo beta. 

    I could have sworn I've had live content pulled into the group editor before, but I do tend to bounce back and forth between Live and Group List while editing and it's highly likely I've actually put it there myself accidentally. I feel pretty confident about the rest of the list though.

    If it is helpful, I forwarded a show file of mine to your engineers recently for a crash issue. I wouldn't have thought to ask you to dig into it for what look to me like simple bugs, but if I'm the only one out there experiencing them, by all means, have at it! I really don't want to be special.

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