Issues / Feature Requests

Hi .. we've owned a Congo since 05. I love this console, but as with all things leading edge occasionally there are hiccups. Let's use this post to report odd behaviours, work arounds, and feature requests to ETC and Congo development.

David Brenchley

Hope Community Church

Raleigh, NC 


[edited by: Dave at 3:43 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 15 2006]
  • Hi David -


    Welcome to the forum! I welcome all comments of this nature & hope to see a lot of Congo users post their questions/observations here.


    I'll just remind folks that if you are experiencing a show-threatening situation with any ETC equipment, that you should contact our Technical Services department, rather than posting the problem here. We'll respond to forum posts as quickly as we can, but there's no guarantee there will be someone online to help you if there's a critical problem.


    Thanks much!


  • Hi David -


    Welcome to the forum! I welcome all comments of this nature & hope to see a lot of Congo users post their questions/observations here.


    I'll just remind folks that if you are experiencing a show-threatening situation with any ETC equipment, that you should contact our Technical Services department, rather than posting the problem here. We'll respond to forum posts as quickly as we can, but there's no guarantee there will be someone online to help you if there's a critical problem.


    Thanks much!

