Problems with bringing up channels

I'm having an odd problem with V6.2, it has happened a couple of times during shows. I'll occasionally try to bring up a single channel or a few at once just on the wheel of using the @level, but they won't come up unless I highlight the specific channel/s i want on the live screen with the mouse. If I try it just with the wheel or @, the screen reads 'non-existing effect'. This doesn't happen every time, but it's a bit annoying if I want to access a certain channel quickly just by tapping the number in. Is this something I'm doing wrong that I've missed?



  • Hi Beki -

    Are you working in At Mode? It sounds like you've got the command structure set to selecting effects. To clear this and get back to channels, press CH # then continue on. The Channel Info area on screen and on the big Congo console facepanels should display a "c", "g" or "e" at the end to indicate how numbers will be interpreted for At Mode selection. Pressing CH, GROUP or EFFECT before the number will switch from one type to the other. Make sense?

    If you're not using At Mode, then something else is going on...




  • I am indeed working in AT mode, and I shall give that a try. Thank you!
