Updating Tracking (Update + @Level)

Does anyone else update tracking (Update + @Level)?

We've been having some problems with it and I'm just trying to get a better handle on whether it's our system or Congo wide.

The problem is it displays extra channels in the dialogue box and is making updates besides the channels we've changed.


  • Hi Mat -

    I have used this feature and have not seen this problem. If you could provide more details about when it happens, I would be interested to hear them. I can get a tester looking to recreate what you are seeing...




  • I think someone should already be working on it.  I passed the information on to Ben Smith who I believe passed it on to Anders.  I sent an email last Friday and again with more information on Wednesday (I think people were on vacation for the Fourth).  I was more curious if it was happening for other people.

     Here's a copy of what I sent before.  Let me know if you need to send you show files and the other documents I made showing keystrokes.

    I have more information about our tracking problems.


    I went back and did some updating in our DHSM show file (the show we just finished teching).  It seems that the channels displayed when you update tracking are consistent for a particular channel in a particular preset but not across channels or across presets.  I’ve included a word file documenting my keystrokes and the dialogue boxes.


    I then created a very simple show file from scratch.  New Showfile>discard changes and open a blank file>Patch 1:1

    It contains 10 presets each with channels 1<10 and levels going up sequentially.  I then began updating tracking from preset 1 and observed similar problems but this time I was able to better document them since the file was much simpler.  I began by changing the level of Ch 1 and updating tracking. It displayed I was updating Channels 1 8 335. I then proceeded to the next prestet (Seq+) and changed the level of Ch 2.  It displayed Channels 2 8 498.


    I then looked at the track sheet which showed that Channels 1 and two were as I expected them to be but Ch 8 was at zero in both presets 1 and 2.  This continued and I have included and excel file recreating the track sheet displays.  I’ll also include the small show I created.

  • Hi Mat & Mike -

    We are looking into this now. Thanks for the report. I would expect to see a fix for this in our v4.3.2 software coming in September.



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