Update without Master content?

Hi Guys,
I've been trying to find the key commands to allow a Preset to be updated, withour it including the Master content.
I'm aware of the # Record + A  key commands, but is there a corresponding one for update? (# Update + A doesnt do it).

  • Actually, # UPDATE is not a syntax in Congo.UPDATE will always point at the preset in A unless you press UPDATE and another key (like a direct select or master key) to target the update somewhere else.

    The fastest way to do this is probably # RECORD & A, where the # is the actual number of the preset you want to update. If you are using RECORD & ACTIVE, you may see the dialog asking about "attributes are recorded for channels with no intensity - remove?". In general you probably want to answer "yes" to this dialog. This assumes that if you are presetting lights manually with no intensity that you're using the Marked intensity state (M) to flag those channels.

    Or, you could toggle on the Exclude From Recording flag on the masters you don't want to include in the Update and record normally. I would suggest doing this in the Masters List (MODIFY & MASTERS). This flag does not currently suppress data from sequences on masters though, so the first suggestion may be the better one.

    I hope this helps!

    Thanks -



  • Hi Sarah,

    Unfortunately if I have already recorded the preset/sequence step, the # Record  + A brings up the Update control, and this of course records the Masters content in the preset.

    Is there any chance of getting this 'feature' looked at as an option for a future version? It's a very often required task where we are.

  • Hi Sarah,

    Unfortunately if I have already recorded the preset/sequence step, the # Record  + A brings up the Update control, and this of course records the Masters content in the preset.

    Is there any chance of getting this 'feature' looked at as an option for a future version? It's a very often required task where we are.

  • The syntax you're after is [Update] & [A].

    My apologies for not replying sooner, as this one gets used a lot in TV-land.

    There are two recording syntaxes that will *never* record Masters content:

    • # [Record] & [A]
      • Records the current content of the A field into Preset #
      • Will show an Update popup if the Preset already exists.
    • [Update] & [A]
      • Updates the Preset currently in A to new levels set in A.

    The "& [A]" section tells the console that you want the contents of the A field and nothing else - this specifically excludes all of the Masters.

    As Sarah mentioned, if there are particular Masters that you don't want to record you can tick the 'Exclude Record' option in [Setup] & [Master_Key]

    [edited by: Richard at 3:48 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Oct 27 2009]