Congo V6.02 crash

Had my congo crash the other day during a show.  was in the middle of running up a fader that had a preset loaded on it and the program just hung with the hourglass and the console stopped outputting DMX, so my whole rig blacked out.

The OS didnt actually crash, just the Congo software.  I was able to CTRL+ALT+DEL and restart the congo.exe file and get it back online, but that took a few mins.

This is ver 6.02  I had been having the issue with 6.0 with the excessive "hourglassing" and the console was lagging.  I would change and intensity value and it would be reflected on the console, but it would take up to 2 secs sometimes to actually output that change.

updating to 6.02 seemed to fix this, but now I have had this crash.


I have emailed the log files into ETC. 


Anyone else dealing with this?
