Backup - functional


Now with a new softaware (6...:) we must use a backup. And we using... but backup in our theatre is not working. We have two consoles conect in network ( only cross cable) they see together. Serwer send PLAY to backup.

When we run a cue in SERWER PB, this same change is automaticly on backup but:

Backup dont see the maters changes

Backup have no signal on DMX output

Backup "put GO" when we use crossfader

What we doing wrong???


  • Congo Backup is Synchronised rather than Tracking.

    All of the Playback functions are synchronised, but editing functions are not.
    - It will raise and lower Masters, change Master Page and run any Go and GOTO events etc.

    So if you rearrange your Masters or re-record and update Presets etc the backup won't copy this until you either Save or Send Play to Backup.
    - There is also an option to automatically send the play when you Record.

    The reason for this is to ensure that an action that takes out the Server can't do the same to the Backup.


    The Backup doesn't output unless and until it takes over. The local DMX ports will be sending a continuous Zero and the Network output is disabled until the Backup takes control.

    When you start moving the Main Crossfader, this counts as a GO so the Backup will run the next cue so that it is ready to take over if necessary.
