SUBMASTER option, RECORD screen option


There is possible to create two things:

1. Option for RECORD screen. When I REC Preset on a screen I write txt. I have two inputs: P text and S Text. First and defoult is P Text. Maybe Congo Crew create option to choice what text is in first input - defoult?  Record will be faster, quickly

2. Masters option. In case when I put EFECT on master. Option what you want to master regulate in effect:



-size and speed evenly


It not easy write abut questions and sugestuin in not my leanguage... sory for crashes :)


  • P-Text and S-Text

    May I ask why you want to have S-Text the default sometimes?

    The P-Text is the label for the Preset. This is shown everywhere the Preset is used - Sequence Step, Master etc
    This label is useful for every Preset you might ever record, and is therefore the default. (Of course, you may not want to label some Presets at all)

    The S-Text is the label for the Sequence Step as used in this particular instance, if, (and only if), Build sequence is turned on and the new Preset is therefore going into a Sequence. In this case it partially hides the P-text, but it does not replace it!

    Effect Playbacks on Masters.

    The Effect Playback is just like a channel. The Intensity of a Dynamic Effect Playback is the Size proportion, so the level of the Master will always control the Size of a Dynamic Effect Playback.

    To adjust the speed of a Dynamic Effect Playback, you'll need to change the Rate* parameter, just like changing the gobo wheel in a moving light.


    When I record effects onto masters I do this by recording it into a Preset and loading the Preset onto the fader. By doing this you can select what content is recorded... as you would with a moving light.

    Hope that sorts 2.



    I dont think about this. I will try. THANKS


    May I ask why you want to have S-Text the default sometimes?

    Becouse when I record preset to the SEQ i want write SEQ TXT not P-TXT in the fast way.. I don't want change a input, becouse this is a anather keyboard move.

    [RECORD] [ WRITE A TXT] [ RECORD] <--- faster way :)



    To adjust the speed of a Dynamic Effect Playback, you'll need to change the Rate* parameter, just like changing the gobo wheel in a moving light.

    But first You must select the MASTER and chose a group of parameters.


    [MASTER MOVE] <--- faster way :)

    [MASTER KEY]  [C] & [F/C/B]  [WHELLE]


    I hope I explain well

    [edited by: Michał at 2:42 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Nov 16 2009]

    When I record effects onto masters I do this by recording it into a Preset and loading the Preset onto the fader. By doing this you can select what content is recorded... as you would with a moving light.

    Hope that sorts 2.



    I dont think about this. I will try. THANKS


    May I ask why you want to have S-Text the default sometimes?

    Becouse when I record preset to the SEQ i want write SEQ TXT not P-TXT in the fast way.. I don't want change a input, becouse this is a anather keyboard move.

    [RECORD] [ WRITE A TXT] [ RECORD] <--- faster way :)



    To adjust the speed of a Dynamic Effect Playback, you'll need to change the Rate* parameter, just like changing the gobo wheel in a moving light.

    But first You must select the MASTER and chose a group of parameters.


    [MASTER MOVE] <--- faster way :)

    [MASTER KEY]  [C] & [F/C/B]  [WHELLE]


    I hope I explain well

    [edited by: Michał at 2:42 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Nov 16 2009]
  • I think I didn't explain very well.

    Very few people actually need to use use S-Text at all. If you only run normal cue stacks you don't need it.

    Let's go back into a bit of console theory:

    Congo is a Preset-based console. You record a set of looks on stage (Presets), and then decide how to play them back afterwards.

    As a Sequence of Presets is a very common use, Congo automates putting new Presets into the Sequence on Main Playback to avoid you having to do that yourself.

    Each Preset has a name - the P-Text.

    Because Congo is Preset-based, it's possible to use the same Preset many times in different parts of the show.

    For example, you can put Preset 1 onto a Master, as the first step of Sequence 1, the fifth step of Sequence 2, and the first and fifth step of Sequence 4.

    Every time you use Preset 1 it has the same name, because it's the same look.

    However, if you use that same Preset in many different positions in the same Sequence, it could be confusing to have each use labelled the same.
    Therefore Congo adds the S-Text to allow the same Preset to have a different label in the Main Playback.

    In summary:

    The P-Text is shown everywhere the Preset is used.

    This includes the Main Playback, connected Master Playback, and Sequence List. (v6)

    You also see the P-Text in the Preset List, at the top of Live and if you put a Preset onto a Master to use it manually.

    -You will never see the S-Text in any of those locations.

    This means that the *only* situation where S-Text matters is if you are re-using the same Preset several times in the same Sequence or different Sequences and want a different label for each occasion in the Sequence.

    Congo offers the option of entering an S-Text as well as a P-Text when you first record the Preset, for the times when you know that this Preset is going to get re-used in the Sequence and want different labels for each use.

    Otherwise, just use the P-Text every time.

  • Hi. You repeated  what is writen in UserManual... I ask about NEW option for P-TXT and Effects Atrib

  • Hi Michal -

    Thanks for the input. We will consider these for a future version of Congo. I'm not sure when it may happen though.


    Thanks much -

