Letzte eingegebende Tasten Eingabe löschen

Hallo, was ich mir wünschen würde ist, wenn man optional einstellen könnte,was passiert wenn ich mehrmals die Taste C drücke. Zum Beispiel: 1+2+23+44+(68) 66... wenn ich jetzt C drücke, ist die gesamte Eingabe gelöscht, weil ich anstatt 68, 66 eingegeben habe.Schön wäre es, wenn ich die Möglichkeit hätte mit 1mal Clear aus 66 eine 68 machen könnte ohne das mir die ganze vorherige Eingabe gelöscht wird.Wie die Backspace Taste an einer Computertastatur.Vertippen tut sich ja mal jeder, aber nicht jeder hat Lust eine längere Kreiseingabe komplett noch mal einzugeben. Kann man da was machen?? Schöne Grüße Thorsten Scholz
  • [My father translates German for me but fears the technical words of an alien industry, so I will post in English. Perhaps one of our fellow posters could put this into German if it seems helpful to Thorsten?]

    Welcome to the forums, Thorsten! 

    I second your vote for a Backspace key; perhaps this would be a good function for the future 'Undo' button we're all hoping for. Until then, I have a workaround for this channel selection problem, but it may be too awkward for common use. 

    If you have an external mouse connected via USB, you can select channels in the Live display by clicking on them, and then de-select individual channels you don't want, as long as that channel was not the last entered in the command string. To use your example: click 1 then 2 then 23 then 44--each click adds a channel to the current selection. Then you click 66 and realize you were wrong. If you click 66 again immediately, the selection inverts and only 66 is selected, which is not what you want. Instead, 1+2+23+44+66+68+66 will do what you want. This is much harder to explain than to actually do, I promise! 

    Left to myself, I always prefer typing, but I also prefer sequential channel ranges and groups, when it's my decision. If I were working for a guest designer who wasn't interested in making my life easier and insisted on this kind of awkwardness, I would probably use the mouse. It would work faster if the Live display was formatted for 'Used in play' channels only. 

    Hope this helps, 
  • [My father translates German for me but fears the technical words of an alien industry, so I will post in English. Perhaps one of our fellow posters could put this into German if it seems helpful to Thorsten?]

    Welcome to the forums, Thorsten! 

    I second your vote for a Backspace key; perhaps this would be a good function for the future 'Undo' button we're all hoping for. Until then, I have a workaround for this channel selection problem, but it may be too awkward for common use. 

    If you have an external mouse connected via USB, you can select channels in the Live display by clicking on them, and then de-select individual channels you don't want, as long as that channel was not the last entered in the command string. To use your example: click 1 then 2 then 23 then 44--each click adds a channel to the current selection. Then you click 66 and realize you were wrong. If you click 66 again immediately, the selection inverts and only 66 is selected, which is not what you want. Instead, 1+2+23+44+66+68+66 will do what you want. This is much harder to explain than to actually do, I promise! 

    Left to myself, I always prefer typing, but I also prefer sequential channel ranges and groups, when it's my decision. If I were working for a guest designer who wasn't interested in making my life easier and insisted on this kind of awkwardness, I would probably use the mouse. It would work faster if the Live display was formatted for 'Used in play' channels only. 

    Hope this helps, 