Removing Channels from a Preset


I'm tearing my hair out here as somebody has managed to record a couple of LED devices into one of our main Presets.

As the devices have only colour attributes and no intensity, they don't appear in 'non-zero channels' in the displays and I'm finding it really hard to get rid of them. -Setting them to Black or another colour isn't an option, i actually want to remove the lamps COMPLETELY from the preset. (and preferably without blacking the studio out).

 How do I do this ?

-Incidentally, the problem was caused because of the console's insistance on recording the entire output of the desk by default -rather than just the field you're working into (more of which to follow in later posts).

I'm sure there must be a simple way to do this, something this straightforward (and common) can't be difficult ?

Thanks for your help



    • #, hold [PRESET], tap [ATTRIB]

    This will open the Attributes Editor for that preset - this is blind, so don't worry about changing the state on stage!

    Select the attribute cell(s), and hit [DELETE] to erase the values.

    You can also edit the values here - either in terms of Palettes or Absolute values - choose which from [SETUP] & [ATTRIB]

    Also, for LED fixtures you can set them up to have an actual 'virtual' Intensity, by ticking the Fade With Intensity column in the Template Editor.
    Congo 4.3.1 has this by default - but obviously if you created the show in an older version of Congo this won't be the case.

    They can then be faded up and down, use colour palettes etc and be treated exactly as if they had a real intensity channel.

    [edited by: Richard at 7:59 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jul 19 2007]
    • #, hold [PRESET], tap [ATTRIB]

    This will open the Attributes Editor for that preset - this is blind, so don't worry about changing the state on stage!

    Select the attribute cell(s), and hit [DELETE] to erase the values.

    You can also edit the values here - either in terms of Palettes or Absolute values - choose which from [SETUP] & [ATTRIB]

    Also, for LED fixtures you can set them up to have an actual 'virtual' Intensity, by ticking the Fade With Intensity column in the Template Editor.
    Congo 4.3.1 has this by default - but obviously if you created the show in an older version of Congo this won't be the case.

    They can then be faded up and down, use colour palettes etc and be treated exactly as if they had a real intensity channel.

    [edited by: Richard at 7:59 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jul 19 2007]
  • Hi Richard,

    Thanks for that. The control that gives you is nice but is there not a quicker way to remove a whole fixture(s) from a preset ? If you had a situation where you wanted to remove a number of devices with numerous different parameters this could take a long time (and be prone to errors / ommisions) a quick way like #, [ CH ]+[ Delete ] would be very handy.

    Would using the 'Fade with Intensity' function register an LTP event of 'no colour' ? -We're running the LED's on Submasters and that's why we need to completely remove them from the main playback -(and they keep getting re-recorded back in because of the desk recording live)

    A related thought, I know you can [ Record ] + [ A ] but you don't seem to be able to [ Record ] + [ B ] why is this ?



    [edited by: Richard J at 8:42 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jul 19 2007] D'Oh !
  • Yes, there is - sorry, got interrupted in the middle of writing my post and didn't properly proof-read!

    If you select the cell titled "Device" for the channel in the Preset Attributes Editor you can delete the whole lot in one go by hitting [DELETE]
    It will ask for confirmation of course!

    Regarding the "No Colour" LTP event - that wouldn't be an LTP event, as No Colour is "Don't Change" - you can happily fade the intensity up and down, but no colour change occurs.

    I think what you mean is setting the LEDs to 'White' - this would be an LTP event.
    The 'virtual' Intensity attribute remains HTP as for other Intensities.

    What kind of control do you want on the Masters?

    (Note that Congo 4.3.1 has a known bug with virtual intensities being unaffected by the DBO switch. The Inhibit independants and the GM act correctly.)


    [edited by: Richard at 9:07 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jul 19 2007]
  • Hi Richard -

    (Boy, this thread can be hard to follow with all the Richards! :-) )

    Because Congo is not a command line console there is no way to associate a delete command with a specific preset in the way you mention. The way do delete device parameters from presets is as Richard described it - you can choose to delete only selected parameters cell-by-cell, or you can delete entire devices by pressing DELETE in the Device column of the editor. 

    The Fade with Intensity designation in RGB fixture templates effectively splits the intensity function from the color function in these types of fixtures. The RGB setting is (as it always is) handled as parameter data (no different from the way CMY values are handled) and the channels intensity level is used as a master for the intensity of that device. The intensity portion will follow the intensity rules for the console (HTP operation, affected by the grand master, follows crossfade timing, etc.) and the RGB portion of the channel will be handled as all attributes are handled. Does that make sense?

     How do you have attribute recording set up? The console, by default, only records attributes that have been changed (are purple in the Live Attributes tab at the time of the record command). If you have set up attribute recording differently, it may give me a clue about why the LEDs are being recorded into your presets all the time.

    On the Record & B thing - I think you are the first to ask this. Anders is on summer holiday at the moment, but I'll try to get an answer for you soon.

    Thanks -



  • Hi,

    Thanks for that, I'll try that out when I get a chance.

    I'll need to have a play with the 'Fade with Intensity' to see what exactly it does and doesn't do. I did have a wee play with it but ended up with 'Highlight' issues that I can't quite remember.

    Still don't like this distinction between Intensities and other attributes (intensity is just another Parameter as far as I'm concerned) which ties in with my 'tracking' issues.

    The [ Record ] + [ B } thing might be useful, but I'm trying to work out what I'd like to be able to achieve more easily: -better, more obvious access to the contents of Submasters and the ability to alter / update their contents -which seems to have been broken in the newer versions of software; and 'safer' control of what is recorded when you hit [ Record ] -we only rarely actually want to record the live output, and this is causing really big problems amongst our 'occasional' users


