Congo V6.0.2


I know that a V6.0.3 it's coming soon but on the V6.0.2 I have 2 things to remember cause I don't know if it's from our consoles or the V6.

On Congo the Console Parameter Settings no matter the value that we put on the Littlights it's always like a 50%. It doesn't change the intensity of the goose neck light even if we put o%.

On Congo and Congo JR the Live Tab if we press 1 and Format it doesn't change to the Channel Layout. we have to press the Format key several times until we get there.


It's just a few things that we discover and only now I remember to said to you. It's only we that have this very little "problem"?

Pedro Alves

  • Hi Pedro,

    Sorry for the slow response. It seems like we all missed your post.

    Regarding the Littlite control: I cannot test this here since I have no Littlites. I'll see if I can get it verified by someone else.

    Regarding pressing 1 FORMAT: This seems to work here with the show files that I have tried. Is this related to a specific show file or a special situation?


  • Hi Pedro - about your Littlite -


    I have just tested our littlites on V6.0.2 and V6.0.3 (Beta 36) Congo (Sr) Consoles,

    and can change the level of the intensity in console setup. So you need to check your littlite or

    console that maybe the dimmer has a problem - best to contact your local dealer, or ETC Tech Service

    to see about getting it working again.


  • Hi Corey

    About the Littlite I don't know what happen but I put a new play and try the intensity of littlite and works perfect and after I load the play that I'm doing now it works fine again. Maybe at that time the littlite was on strike I don't know but now they work.

    About the # Format on the Live tab doesn't work yet on Congo and Congo Jr. with different's plays.


    Pedro Alves 

  • Does anything at all happen when you do # [Format] - eg in the message box or elsewhere?

    Can you send us some example plays where # [Format] isn't working so we can try to replicate the issue?
    - Either send them by email to congo [at] etcconnect [dot] com, or attach them here and we'll take a look.
