fixture template problems


I'm running 5.1 and getting irritating problems with a couple of AC Tourspot 250's I'm running in 13 Ch 16 bit mode.

The template hasn't assigned colour to the colour parameter (it's a part of beam)

Regularly the patch wizard only allots 12 channels offset instead of 13 (the template doesn't work at all when it does this)

It's late here in Australia ( 1:30 am) and my tired brain isn't having any joy finding template updates in the Download section ETC's site.

Can anyone help please?

I'll have a go at making my own template for them, I'll let you know if I have any joy.




  • You seem to have two separate issues here.

    I presume you're using Templates from the Extended Library, as the Tourspot range are not in the v5.1.0 Standard Library.

    The ColorWheel parameter has ended up in Beam as it's been called "ColorWheel" in that template instead of "Color".
    To fix that, you can either:

    • Rename the "ColorWheel" attribute to "Color" in the template editor.
    • Open the Parameters list and change the "ColorWheel" attribute (near the end) to be part of the Color category.

    Your second issue of 12 DMX outputs offset sounds like you've accidentally imported two different Templates for the TourSpot and are sometimes using a 12-channel template by accident instead of the correct 13 channel one.

    As the mode label is right at the end of the template name, this is easy to do - particularly at 1:30am!

    The Extended Library is really designed as a 'get you working' library that is automatically generated, so templates in that library are not always as fully-featured as the ones found in the Standard Library. This means that you do occasionally get this kind of annoyance - we've improved this library a lot in the upcoming v6.0.3

  • Hi

    Your right about the extended library thing, I read Sara's Template making guide after my last post and it says the same thing.

    V 5.1 extended library only has 4 templates for the Tourspot 250 (1 for each of it's operating modes)

    10 Ch 16 bit, 11 ch 8 bit, 13 ch 16 bit and 8 ch 8 bit. I've tried all 4 now (with appropriate changes to T spots modes) and only once had any joy. This was with the 13 ch 16 bit template when it offered a 13 ch offset not the 12 it wants to offer now.

    Never mind, put it down to extended library untested template. Obvious solution, make my own template.

    Problems there.

    The Parameter Definition Editor is empty and if I press insert, it tells me "no more parameters are allowed"

    I can create a new template and pressing Modify on it's number brings up it's editor but insert does nothing and I don't think I have any parameters to insert.

    Importing a known good template (Mac 700 16 bit EX for example) from the standard library using the Import template wizard will bring the template into the template list but going into it's template editor shows only 1 parameter (CH 31, an undefined parameter in LTP8). None of the other 30 parameters that should be there show up.

    Is there a tutorial you can guide me to please? I'll try reading the manual for V 5.1 on my PC as I've only used my old V 4.3 printed manual so far.



  • Woah - the Parameter Definition list should contain around 100 items, so your showfile must have got very badly corrupted somehow.

    If you email a copy of your showfile to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com we can reinsert the parameter definitions and bring it back to life.
    - If you can include all the ".001" through ".009" backups as well that would be very helpful for us to try to figure out what caused it.

  • Hi

    Thanks, will do.

    I found that starting a new play (as opposed to using one of my "standard" show files with standard rig, venue specific formats and groups) I could load and use the 16 bit 13 Ch Tourspot 250 template without problems. I imported the presets, groups, masters and layouts from the problem show and all is well.

    I could also access all the parameters but can't enter a number into the number of channels used by a custom template and am stuck with just one.

    I'll send the show files through to you shortly.



  • Thanks Chris,

    That sounds like one or more of your 'standard' shows is the source of the corruption, so it would be great if you could send us those as well.

    With regards to the 'custom' templates:

    You cannot edit the 'number of channels used' cell in the Templates list - this is for information only, so you can quickly tell how much space you'll need.

    You need to go into the Template Editor and [Insert] the additional attributes, setting the attribute name, DMX offsets, 8/16bit and other options for each attribute as required with the usual 'spreadsheet editing' tools.

    There's quite a bit of useful information on building them in the "Templates" chapter of the online and printed manuals.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:03 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Dec 3 2009]
  • Hi

    Thanks Richard,

    I started a new play and had no problems creating a template for the Tourspot 250 in 13 Ch 16 bit mode.

    It seems my corrupted "standard rig" file wasn't dealing with templates well at all. It wouldn't let me insert new parameters.

    I've sent three files through to  one where the templates dont work (this has lamp symbols in my layout screens) One where the movers did work (created from new play, importing layouts (thus no lamp symbols) and groups) and a saved copy of a new play.

    Gotta hand it to you folk, you have a ripper of a response time to tech enquiries;

    Thanks a bunch for all your good help.

