Congo programing and the VL3000/VL3500 spot fixtures

I just finished programing a show using 4 VL3000 spots and 2 VL3500 spots as well as some other intelligent stuff and a lot of conventional fixtures. The first question is if I was just using the wrong profile's for the fixtures or if that's just how the profile's are written. I chose what I thought was appropriate out of the standard library for these fixtures. The problem's I run into are when I try to grab control of all of them and use the cmy feature. since the 3000's have Magenta Amber and Blue for options but the 3500's have Cyan Magenta and Yellow I cant control all of the color mixing of all the lights together. I also noticed this problem in the beam palate with the zoom and focus features but this wasn't as big of a deal. Another problem I noticed was at the end of the day when I went to shut down. In order to lamp off these fixtures I need to go to the devices menu and hold enable and lamp off then hold enable and lamp idle in order to turn the lamp off. On the 3500's for some reason I was not able to use the fixture reset feature although it worked fine on the 3000's. One other small quirk I found well programing the show was using the follow feature in the main sequence list I could not write a follow of 18.4 seconds but only 18 or 19 seconds however I was able to write a 8.6 second follow on a different cue in the show and was wondering why that is? I do enjoy programing in this board even though it is different than what I have used in the past I am getting used to it. Some improvements I would like to see in a future software update are fixes of the profile's I listed above as well as maybe a .00 time stamp for the cue's and not just a .0 time.

  • First of all, which software version of Congo are you using, and did you load these Templates from the Standard or Extended libraries?

    Which Templates did you choose?

    The Extended Library is automatically generated directly from manufacturer data, and is designed to give you some control. However, it may contain mistakes and may not have the same features as an equivalent Standard Library template.

    Secondly, the Vari*Lite Lamp Off and other lamp controls are operating as designed by Vari*Lite.
    They created these fixtures to activate the most-recently chosen command when the Lamp Idle command is sent.

  • I am using version we had the newest version but chose to downgrade because of some instability issues and the board crashing in a past show. I had the VL3000 spot and 3500 spot profiles from the extended library but changed to the standard library VL3000/3000Q and VL3500/3500Q profiles because for some reason in the extended profile the color wheel is in the beam palate. Thank you for the lamp idle tip it works great. I do however think there is an issue with the VL3000/3000Q profile with the color mixing as it works just fine but when selected with a different fixture with CMY attributes you can only control the Magenta on all the fixtures since this profile has Cyan labeled as Blue and Yellow as Amber.

  • Hi!

    To get the idle-button to work, the position (range) for control@ zero in the template must be named "idle". Not open or something else.

    If you're not to far into programming, it's easy to change the parametertype from blue to cyan in the template.

    Timing only take decimals under 10 sec.




    [edited by: Nilsh at 4:22 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Dec 6 2009]
  • Thanks for the information - yes, the Standard Library templates "VL3000/3000Q Spot" and "VL3000/3000Q Wash" both list the colour mixing as Blue Amber Magenta instead of Cyan Yellow Magenta.

    We'll correct that in the next release.

    In the meantime, you can edit the offending template if you've not already programmed too much.
    - Note that any recorded data for the Blue and Amber attributes will be deleted if the attributes are renamed.
