Problem after update RFR

Hello. sory i bed know english :(

I have RFR NET3. *(Remote boot Version 0.2)

after update RFR Remote version 1.8a to 2.02 i have a problem vith my device.

On power ON i can see on the screen ETC RFR Remote 2.02

after 40-45 second i can see: HF Error, Network ID: 1, Chnl: 1 (2.410GHz), Search Base Station and screen after 1 second extinguished...

Base Station NOT update (file not found).

How to remove it or where to get the old firmware?


p.s.Forgive me for my bad English.

  • Have you updated the base station firmware as well as the handset?

    Both sets of firmware (base station and handset) are included with Gateway Configuration Editor 1.2.1.

    You will need to update both of them for the connection to work.

    The Base Station should be version 2.0.0, the handset version 2.0.2.

  • I update the firmware to the 2.0.0 Base Station, but the result still the same. Now when you connect the base LED does not burn, but the remote still can not see it (firmware 2.0.2). trying to sew with both Congo and from the PC, the result is the same. flash successfully, but not see each other.
    After flashing it may need to adjust?

    Sorry, but what is Gateway Configuration Editor 1.2.1?

    [edited by: Alex at 4:58 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Dec 10 2009]
  • I update the firmware to the 2.0.0 Base Station, but the result still the same. Now when you connect the base LED does not burn, but the remote still can not see it (firmware 2.0.2). trying to sew with both Congo and from the PC, the result is the same. flash successfully, but not see each other.
    After flashing it may need to adjust?

    Sorry, but what is Gateway Configuration Editor 1.2.1?

    [edited by: Alex at 4:58 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Dec 10 2009]
  • Hi Alex,


    I am sorry to hear you are having problems - your english is very good.

    Have you set the channels correctly for both the base and the handheld? Are both on channel 1? If so,

    try putting both on another channel, like channel 10.

    Where are you located? - this may go be more effective for you to contact your dealer or ETC Tech Services

    per telephone.
