Logitech DiNovo Mini



Has someone ever tried to connect the logitech DiNovo Mini to a Congo Jr? Is this just a case of installing the right drivers? Or is this a no go area?


logitech Dinovo Mini


many thanks

  • First of all, we do not support installation of any third party drivers onto Congo or any of our products.

    This is because without testing the software on the console we have no way of knowing if it could cause you to be transported to a parallel universe where doughnuts fall from the sky like rain, or even for the console to become unstable.

    We include a standard set of drivers for common peripherals like keyboards and mice, plus two sets of drivers for different kinds of touchscreen (ETC Touchkit and ELO).

    A device that uses the standard drivers will almost always be fine - but any device that requires its own custom drivers cannot be supported.

    I know this doesn't really answer your question, but if you check with Logitech about whether this product uses standard drivers or special Logitech ones you'll have your answer.

    [edited by: Richard at 5:25 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Dec 18 2009]
  • First of all, we do not support installation of any third party drivers onto Congo or any of our products.

    This is because without testing the software on the console we have no way of knowing if it could cause you to be transported to a parallel universe where doughnuts fall from the sky like rain, or even for the console to become unstable.

    We include a standard set of drivers for common peripherals like keyboards and mice, plus two sets of drivers for different kinds of touchscreen (ETC Touchkit and ELO).

    A device that uses the standard drivers will almost always be fine - but any device that requires its own custom drivers cannot be supported.

    I know this doesn't really answer your question, but if you check with Logitech about whether this product uses standard drivers or special Logitech ones you'll have your answer.

    [edited by: Richard at 5:25 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Dec 18 2009]
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