Congo V6.2


I read somewhere that V6.1 was a bit slow and "timeglassing".

I´m in the middle of programming a musical. I´m running Congo V6.2, 12 Moving heads, 24 scrollers, 12 LED´s and about 90 dimmers. It feels like my system is getting slower and slower, every time i press "Update" or "Record"  i have to wait about 8 to 15 seconds before the timeglass disappears and i can continue.. I have about 130 seq steps so far. If i restart the console it´s quicker the first 10-15 mins or so, then it gets slow again. Also when i´m in a sequence where effects are active, timeglass is on and off all the time. Attributes are in recorded when changed mode.

Can this be a 6.2 problem or is it something i do that can be changed? I haven´t experienced this with earlier versions.


  • Hi Frederik -

    It's possible that what you are seeing is a problem in v6.0.2. If you contact Congo @ by email and include your contact information and what venue you are working in, we can add you to the v6.0.3 beta test, which should improve the hourglassing problem. You could also send us a copy of your current show and we can take a look and see if there's anything special about it that might cause the slowdown, but I think the best option is to get the v6.0.3 beta software.

    Thanks -


  • Hi Frederik -

    It's possible that what you are seeing is a problem in v6.0.2. If you contact Congo @ by email and include your contact information and what venue you are working in, we can add you to the v6.0.3 beta test, which should improve the hourglassing problem. You could also send us a copy of your current show and we can take a look and see if there's anything special about it that might cause the slowdown, but I think the best option is to get the v6.0.3 beta software.

    Thanks -

