6.03 groups

Hello All. Hope the new version is coming along nicely.

I have been trying out the beta software for a month or so on a congo Snr and thought I'd post a few queries incase it brings up any problems not noticed yet.

-In live screen i selected a few lights eg 11 thru 19 set to full

I then "added" group 111 to this with ' # group & +' and wheeled them to full. All the channels were highlighted and then wheeled all these down a few percent, but noticed that the 111 group was lagging behind by 2%, even when wheeled back to full and then down once more

I tried setting the group to match the other channels at 86% with the keypad then wheeled all the channels back down and the percentage difference came back. Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts on why?

- Another  question on groups is to ask if there a reason why you cant record groups with point numbers ( 109.2 eg)

if its not too late would this be possible or am i missing something as to why this is a bad idea

Thanks ,


  • Hi Andy -

    Thanks for the feedback. Usually, if all the selected channels are set to the same level using the keypad, they should all wheel up and down to the same levels. If you start from different levels, the console adjusts them with that difference in mind, meaning you'll see differences in how they get to full and zero (some will arrive sooner, some later, depending on your starting levels). Do you have a show file that exhibits this behavior? Are the channels in question simply dimmers? Do they have dimmer curves or any scaling applied?

    Good question about group numbers - I'm trying to conjure up a good reason why we don't other than "we just don't" but I'm not having much success. :-) Given the way we allocate our direct selects, in banks of 10 for the first 100 of a data type, it makes sense that the 10th button is the 10th thing. Point numbers could make that a quite messy area. One of the things we worked hard at on Congo was to ensure muscle memory for users. If every time you recorded a group with a point number a bunch of your direct selects would move around, that would defeat that effort. However, I can understand the desire to insert groups in between, believe me. I'll think about it some more...


    Thanks much -


  • Thanks for the reply Sarah. I like the 'we just dont explanation' !  That does make sense. I can see the decimal problem would be unhelpful in general but maybe just having the ability to record / recall those inbetween ones could  work as they are likely to be known to each programmer and what they refer to ie called up only as and when needed without ruining direct select layouts. etc etc

    On the channels percentage difference - The offline editor ( 6.02) i tried to replicate the problem on, worked as you would expect. I thought i had scaled the channels on the actual console at first but dont think I did. I was brining the channels down from all being full . Next time I'm on the console I will try it again and email you the show file if it happens

    Cheers ,


  • Thanks for the reply Sarah. I like the 'we just dont explanation' !  That does make sense. I can see the decimal problem would be unhelpful in general but maybe just having the ability to record / recall those inbetween ones could  work as they are likely to be known to each programmer and what they refer to ie called up only as and when needed without ruining direct select layouts. etc etc

    On the channels percentage difference - The offline editor ( 6.02) i tried to replicate the problem on, worked as you would expect. I thought i had scaled the channels on the actual console at first but dont think I did. I was brining the channels down from all being full . Next time I'm on the console I will try it again and email you the show file if it happens

    Cheers ,


  • We have also seen this issue with V 6.03

    There appears to be differences in the way levels are assigned to Channels when Groups are selected at different places on the desk.


    I am sending ETC / Sarah a Show file ‘Group Bug’. References in [brackets] are for the objects in this file.



    To duplicate this unexpected result:    


    • Create a Group [Group 1 – Amber wash] of Channels [37-45] with all channels at Full.
    • Create a Channel Layout [1] containing the individual Channels [37-45] and also the Group Button [Group 1 – Amber wash]
    • On Live view display the Channel Layout created.
    • Click on the individual channel [i.e. 38] and roll the wheel to Full then back down to Zero. Roll it down a little further to be sure.
    • Press C, and C again to clear the Channel selection.
    • Click on the Group Button [Group 1 – Amber wash] and roll the wheel up.


    Notice the difference in levels between the previously selected individual Channel, and the rest of the Group!


    It seems that when the channel is taken to Zero that the level is kept even when the channel selection is released. If the channel is taken to a level ‘virtually‘ below zero and the layout Group button is used then the ‘offset’ between the 2 levels is remembered when the channels are above Zero.



    To see the expected (normal) result:


    • Use the Group & Channel Layout created as above.
    • Assign the Group to a Master Key.
    • On Live view display the Channel Layout created.
    • Click on the individual channel [i.e. 38] and roll the wheel to full then back down to Zero. Roll it down a little further to be sure.
    • Press C and C again to clear the Channel selection.
    • Select the Group by using the Master Key button and roll the wheel up.


    Notice that all the Channels in the Group are at the same level, which is how we expected it to be.



    Group bug.asc