impoting PDF files

Im in the process of setting up a ' default' show file to act as a basis for most programming situations. Often I use the offline congo for much of this and refer to the hotkeys pdf available in the download section.

I tried to find a copy of it in the help section since when offline it struck me as a useful 'Tab' to be able to call up when looking for the right keystroke. I couldnt find anything in the help section. Any organ grinders out there able to point it out ?

Is it possible to have it added to the software, maybe even a seperate MAC & PC version to cut down on info onscreen?

P.s Ive been trying to convert the PDF  to an image I could upload and also a spreadsheet but not having much luck getting it into the congo. Has anyone done this yet or have a sensible solution?



  • Check out the chapter: ACCESSORIES > Accessories - Ext. Keyboard
    There you have the keyboard shortcuts.

    PDFs cannot be imported into Congo, images can and they are then shown in the Browser > Media > Images (this is system specific, not stored in the showfile). Out of curiosity, what are you trying to achieve with importing PDFs or images?

    What you can import is a comma or tab separated text file. This way you can import texts into the Channel Batabase. Check out the online help or manual chapter: Channels > Settings & Tools > Channel Database > Import Text File Wizard

    Hope these help,



  • Check out the chapter: ACCESSORIES > Accessories - Ext. Keyboard
    There you have the keyboard shortcuts.

    PDFs cannot be imported into Congo, images can and they are then shown in the Browser > Media > Images (this is system specific, not stored in the showfile). Out of curiosity, what are you trying to achieve with importing PDFs or images?

    What you can import is a comma or tab separated text file. This way you can import texts into the Channel Batabase. Check out the online help or manual chapter: Channels > Settings & Tools > Channel Database > Import Text File Wizard

    Hope these help,



  • Thanks Oskar - the accessories chapter is a big help.

    As to why , it is a format i get sent often for shows or even print out smaller rig plans on to email . I was mainly trying to think ahead of uses for it like those mentioned or even moving head manuals with info that may be needed , cuesheets etc. - the images area seemed a good place to have them stored

    . I'd been trying to convert PDF  pages to print as an image (an option my PDF convertor offered apparently)  to see if i could upload those but im not having much success currently


