creating a template with different RGB channels in one fixture

In the last couple of months i did have more questions how to create a fixture with different RGB channels in one fixture. it means 3 times RGB and just one intensity channel and strobe channel..

Like  a Teclumen fusion 18 FC fixture. or ayrton.

Is there a way to do this in a easy way?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi there -

    You can. It requires you to Insert parameters to the Parameter Definitions list (Browser>Patching>Settings and Tools), usually in the form of Red2, Green2, Blue2, Red3, and so on, and then place them into the Color category. Make sure to insert new parameters at the END of this list. Then those parameters can be assigned within the template editor just like any other.

    Please note that the color and gel pickers will only have an effect on the parameters labeled "Red", "Green" and "Blue" though.


    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Hi there -

    You can. It requires you to Insert parameters to the Parameter Definitions list (Browser>Patching>Settings and Tools), usually in the form of Red2, Green2, Blue2, Red3, and so on, and then place them into the Color category. Make sure to insert new parameters at the END of this list. Then those parameters can be assigned within the template editor just like any other.

    Please note that the color and gel pickers will only have an effect on the parameters labeled "Red", "Green" and "Blue" though.


    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • That was what I did. But it's still a lot of work to program these things, because you can't create a direct for the different colors and can't user the gelpicker.

    No other way to do this. maybe by pathing diffent fixtures and make it possible to use a intensity for multiple channels.

    A strange way of thinking, But when I can patch one intensity for more fixture's. Just give it a thought.

    There are more and more of these kind of fixtures on the market.


  • Other tought: creating groups of parameters only.

    That will also be an answer of this problem.

    But the problem is a real thing.

    Just think about it.

    But when you have 24 fixtures of this kind , you don't want to program this on the way you sugest.


  • Hi Raf -

    You are correct. We typically do not control fixtures of this type using multiple color parameters. We recommend that each cell of the bar be patched as a channel on its own, perhaps with a master channel containing the master intensity/strobe/other parameter. In this way it becomes more like a media server with multiple layers. Then to control the whole fixture (all cells) simultaneously, you could just make a group.

    Not ideal, I know, however it's the best solution at the moment.


    Thanks much!

