Questions about presets

Hi everyone.

Is there another way of delete presets from the main sequence tab instead going to the 1 sequence tab select the step where the preset is and press delete? In the other system that I used before (vlc) we just click whit the mouse on the step that we want and press delete.

Normally I use the "set times to" setting on B but some times I've to change the time of the preset that is on A. Is there a simple way to do this instead use the GOBACK or SEQ- keys? I try to press TIME and A but nothing happens.

After I change one preset and press the UPDATE key the hourglass happear but I have to wait from to 3 to 5 seconds until it disapears. Sometimes I've to prees the GO key when the hourglass is on and I don't know if this is one good thing to do.

 How can I select several cells at the same time without using the SHIFT key from the keyboard plus the arrows keys? for instance I have one sequence with 100 steps and on the channel track tab I want to put one channel from step 10 until step 50 at same level.


Pedro Alves


P.S.: We've got the 4.3.1 version of the Congo software on the Congo and Congo Jr consoles. 



  • A few shortcuts:

    Deleting Presets:

    • Select the Preset and hit [Delete]
      • Type # [Modify] and [Preset] to jump straight to the Preset.
    • You can select via mouse or arrowkeys.
    • You can do this from the Sequence List or the Preset List.
    • There is a tickbox to erase the 'other half' is required.
    Set Times To:
    • Hold [TIME] and press [A] or [B] to change the Set Times To setting accordingly.
    • You can then enter the times as usual - remember to change it back afterwards!
    • There is a small triangle in the WFA column to indicate whether it's A or B

    Selecting multiple cells in spreadsheet views:

    • Hold [Select] and use the arrow keys to select a block of cells.
    • Pressing [Column] will select everything from that cell downwards. In Attribute views this will only select one kind of data and device.

    For updating a change over many cues, you can use the Tracking Wizard in the Track list - hit Wizard on the cell at the start of the change.

    The 'hourglass' indicates that the console is currently doing something in the background - you can always hit Go though. 


  • A few shortcuts:

    Deleting Presets:

    • Select the Preset and hit [Delete]
      • Type # [Modify] and [Preset] to jump straight to the Preset.
    • You can select via mouse or arrowkeys.
    • You can do this from the Sequence List or the Preset List.
    • There is a tickbox to erase the 'other half' is required.
    Set Times To:
    • Hold [TIME] and press [A] or [B] to change the Set Times To setting accordingly.
    • You can then enter the times as usual - remember to change it back afterwards!
    • There is a small triangle in the WFA column to indicate whether it's A or B

    Selecting multiple cells in spreadsheet views:

    • Hold [Select] and use the arrow keys to select a block of cells.
    • Pressing [Column] will select everything from that cell downwards. In Attribute views this will only select one kind of data and device.

    For updating a change over many cues, you can use the Tracking Wizard in the Track list - hit Wizard on the cell at the start of the change.

    The 'hourglass' indicates that the console is currently doing something in the background - you can always hit Go though. 


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