V6.3 Crash

Hi boys & girls, this evening/last night my Congo Jnr crashed. I had been a naughty boy and not saved the show at this point. When the new bright screen informing me of the crash appeared I'm sure it told me that it had saved the show in a file called (i think) "Recovery.asc". Search as I might there is no trace of said file. Was it my imagination? Sorry, did not save log file to send you - I will if it happens again.



John P

  • Hi John,

    sorry to hear about the crash. The recovery file with whatever it was able to save would have loaded right after the next startup.


    What are you doing when the crash occurred? Effects? Editing masters? etc?

    Could you please go to the browser and save the logfiles to a usb stick and email to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com.


  • Hi John,

    sorry to hear about the crash. The recovery file with whatever it was able to save would have loaded right after the next startup.


    What are you doing when the crash occurred? Effects? Editing masters? etc?

    Could you please go to the browser and save the logfiles to a usb stick and email to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com.


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