offline editor - help favourites query for evryone

Hello everyone

Does anyone else who uses the offline-editor a lot find that the program crashes when they try to save a help page in the help favourites folder.

It would be good if people could post back on this as im trying to track down why it happens on my computer



  • Hi Andy -

    Which version of Congo Offline are you using?

    What OS is on your computer?

    Are you using keyboard shortcuts or the Console Mimic Dock to save the Favorite?

    I've tried this here with v6.0.3 and Windows XP and it works fine, so I'm curious to know what's up with your machine.

    Thanks much -


  • Sarah,

    "about congo" says its

    V & its XP im running.

    I've tried it with keyboard shortcuts and the cosole mimic and both end up with the runtime error when i press modify to save the name for the help note

    Anders has had a look at it also and it was fine for him. Just wondered if others had a similar issue and solved it



  • Sarah,

    "about congo" says its

    V & its XP im running.

    I've tried it with keyboard shortcuts and the cosole mimic and both end up with the runtime error when i press modify to save the name for the help note

    Anders has had a look at it also and it was fine for him. Just wondered if others had a similar issue and solved it



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