Dynamic rates on fader?


I'm programming (V6.0.3.)  for a music event and would like to contol my dynamic rates from a fader. 0-100% gives a smooth control of 'speed'. I've got this working from the 'live dynamics' screen by assigning a rate channel.

Is there a better way of doing this? I have got the impression that you should really run dynamics through dynamic effect playbacks and embed the effect playback into a preset or palette.

When I have do it this way I have masked the rate and create 2 presets. 1 with the rate for that effect playback and one with the rest of the info. I have put these onto faders but the rate snaps to 100%. Fader is set to 'fade attributes'.

Is there something else I can do to get this to follow the fader level?

I've tried putting the encoder 'rate' onto a fader. This works but the range to 1000% offers limited control with a small fader and causes various glitches. I'm tending to loose control of the effect playing back. (I'll experiment with this more and let you know what's happening unless this is already an understood fault). I also put an Iris attribute onto a fader and again lost control of the encoders for all moving lightings. Again is there something else I need to be doing?

Thanks for any suggestions.



  • Hi Gareth,

    Currently, the Rate parameter for the new dynamic effect engine is set to snap. We are investigating if we should change this in a future release to allow it to be faded.

    In the meantime, if you need to have the rate follow the fader, you should probably stick to the old system (using a rate channel) that seems to work as you want.


    Regarding the problem you mention about the Iris attribute, could you give us some more information about what you are doing and the problem you are seeing?

