master speed control for chases

I'm using a Congo Jr board with a very basic lighting rig - no moving lights or devices, just a couple of scrollers & the rest are fixed.

Mainly I'm trying to provide a show using chases for college students in rock band performances; So far I've managed to collect these in a 'default' file.

My question is, given the limits of the lighting itself, is it possible to control the bpm of all chases ( the ones I put onto faders) with one 'overall' fader in a file? And is  it possible to do this with intensity as well?

I'd appreciate it as I don't have much experience, just a big manual! Thanks!

  • Assuming that the chases are "Sequences" with the 'chase' option ticked, you can't do a 'global' one but you can make "Time Masters" for each one using the Master Editor:

    • [Modify] & [Master]
    • Scroll down to the row for the right Master
    • Change "Content Type" to "Time Master"
    • Set "Content" to be the Sequence Number of the chase

    If you're using one or more Chase Effect Playbacks to run the chases, then the "Tap/Rate*" attribute for the Chase Playbacks could be put onto a Master.
    - Either the attribute itself (so applies to selected Chase Effect Playbacks), or a Preset with just that Attribute recorded.

  • thanks Richard, that seems to work, tho it's not too 'smooth', maybe a software issue.


    Love the cake!
