Updating palettes

Im sure this is pretty simple but i cant work out how to do this.

I want to record palettes (for focus, colour and beam attributes) for a touring show. Trying to make it easier for the relighter, i want to be able to update just the focus and possibly beam attributes without effecting other things. For example, if my mover is in a dark saturated colour, is it possible to wheel out the colour, move the unit to the correct position and just update the focus position with out affecting other things?

I have tried selecting the channel, and UPDATE + FOCUS + Direct select key, but it wont work?

  • Hi there -

    To record palettes, set the channels into their required positions (or colors or whatever) and then use RECORD & FOCUS (or COLOR or BEAM or PALETTE) or set the palette type to the Direct Select bank of your choice and then use RECORD & Direct Select key (1-10) for the position you want to store.

    To update new values into a palette, select the channel(s) in question and use # RECORD & FOCUS (or COLOR or BEAM or PALETTE) where the # is the number of the palette you want to update, or use UPDATE & Direct Select key for that palette.

    Does this help?




  • I understand that, and can update focus positions in focus palettes by using UPDATE and the direct select key for that palette.

    But....updating focus only in an all palette, (ie. pallette 5,) is the way to do it to select the channel (ie. 101 ch/id), then 5 UPDATE + FOCUS?

    or will this just update focus palette 5? 

  • Hi there -

    The way to do that would be to apply a MASK, then update the Palette with # RECORD & PALETTE (UPDATE & Direct Select may also work, but I haven't tried it with a mask applied).

    To apply the mask, select your channels, then press MASK once to turn the mode on, then press and hold MASK, then press COLOR, then press BEAM (to suit your example) to mask out all the color and beam parameters. You can also mask individual parameters using MASK & Wheel Key. You can see which parameters are masked in Live Attributes or in the LCD above the encoders, masked parameters display "---" instead of a value. In the ML display on Congo you can also see indicators like F, F- F+, where F means no mask is applied in that attribute category, F- means some of the parameters are masked, and F+ means the entire category is masked.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Hi there -

    The way to do that would be to apply a MASK, then update the Palette with # RECORD & PALETTE (UPDATE & Direct Select may also work, but I haven't tried it with a mask applied).

    To apply the mask, select your channels, then press MASK once to turn the mode on, then press and hold MASK, then press COLOR, then press BEAM (to suit your example) to mask out all the color and beam parameters. You can also mask individual parameters using MASK & Wheel Key. You can see which parameters are masked in Live Attributes or in the LCD above the encoders, masked parameters display "---" instead of a value. In the ML display on Congo you can also see indicators like F, F- F+, where F means no mask is applied in that attribute category, F- means some of the parameters are masked, and F+ means the entire category is masked.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


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