Updating palettes

Im sure this is pretty simple but i cant work out how to do this.

I want to record palettes (for focus, colour and beam attributes) for a touring show. Trying to make it easier for the relighter, i want to be able to update just the focus and possibly beam attributes without effecting other things. For example, if my mover is in a dark saturated colour, is it possible to wheel out the colour, move the unit to the correct position and just update the focus position with out affecting other things?

I have tried selecting the channel, and UPDATE + FOCUS + Direct select key, but it wont work?

  • Another option is to use the "Focus Mode" and "Update Palette" soft keys under the "Device" soft key from the main menu.

    I am not in front of Congo as often as I would like...so my menu keys might be a little off.

    With Focus Mode on, you get a list of palettes on the main LCD.  You can use the trackball in list mode (green) to scroll to the palette to be updated and left click to select it.  All fixtures recorded to that palette will be activated.  You can use HiLight to adjust focus and then Update Palette softkey to update it.  The next palette in the list will be advanced.  Left click to select and repeat.

    I hope that helps.



  • Adjusting Focus when the lights are in various colours etc is what the [Highlight] key is for.

    Highlight is a toggle mode that bumps selected fixtures into Open White and high intensity.

    It's designed for exactly this situation - you've got a load of fixtures in *some look*, but need to adjust the Focus of them.

    Quick way of trying this:

    • Select a group of moving light channels.
    • Hit [Next] to step onto the first one.
    • Hit [Highlight]
      • The fixture goes to Open White.
    • Adjust the Focus
    • Hit [Next]
      • The first fixture goes back to its old colours/gobos/zoom etc
      • The next fixture goes to Open White
    • Hit [Highlight]
      • Everything is back to normal, you can # [Record] & [Palette] or whatever.

    Obviously this doesn't apply if you're adjusting the colours and gobos - for that kind of update, [Mask] is perfect as Sarah described above.

    Finally, the "{Update Palette}" softkey isn't only for Focus Mode.
    You can also use it in normal programming to update all active, changed palettes at the same time.
    - It shows you a list which ones it's going to update for you to confirm or cancel, which can also be useful as a "What did I just change?" hint, if you've adjusted so much that you've forgotten where you started.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:41 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Mar 3 2010]
  • Adjusting Focus when the lights are in various colours etc is what the [Highlight] key is for.

    Highlight is a toggle mode that bumps selected fixtures into Open White and high intensity.

    It's designed for exactly this situation - you've got a load of fixtures in *some look*, but need to adjust the Focus of them.

    Quick way of trying this:

    • Select a group of moving light channels.
    • Hit [Next] to step onto the first one.
    • Hit [Highlight]
      • The fixture goes to Open White.
    • Adjust the Focus
    • Hit [Next]
      • The first fixture goes back to its old colours/gobos/zoom etc
      • The next fixture goes to Open White
    • Hit [Highlight]
      • Everything is back to normal, you can # [Record] & [Palette] or whatever.

    Obviously this doesn't apply if you're adjusting the colours and gobos - for that kind of update, [Mask] is perfect as Sarah described above.

    Finally, the "{Update Palette}" softkey isn't only for Focus Mode.
    You can also use it in normal programming to update all active, changed palettes at the same time.
    - It shows you a list which ones it's going to update for you to confirm or cancel, which can also be useful as a "What did I just change?" hint, if you've adjusted so much that you've forgotten where you started.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:41 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Mar 3 2010]
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