Congo Off Line and Wi-Fi

I know this is going to sound crazy, but...

I was working with congo offline on my lap top and wanted to access the forum to check something...I'll get to that in a moment...So, I connect to theatre wi-fi and try to get to the web.  After just a few seconds, I lost my connection.  Re-connect, lose connect, re-connect, lose connect....After 10 or so frustrating minutes, I thought I'd try closing congo off line as that was the only thing different. And, you guessed it, connected right to the wi-fi and spent an hour on the forum.

 To see if perhaps the problem was just coincidence, I fired Congo off line back up.  10 seconds later I lost my wi-fi connection.

 Has anyone else experienced this?  Anyone care to give it ago on their laptop and see if you get the same results?

 On to the reason I was on the forum in the first place.  I wanted to print out my presets and sequences. Loaded my show from the USB on to the lap top and used the print wizard.  It saved the presets as a txt. file.  When I opened the file, it was a mess.  The text was recognizable but not ordered in any useful form. Anybody dealt with this?


  • The Congo 'printouts' use a Unix standard which uses a single carriage-return character to terminate each line.

    Unfortunately, Windows Notepad still uses the non-standard "Carriage-return-plus-line-feed" method from the original MS-DOS instead, and is incapable of doing anything else.

    This means that Notepad interprets the file as a single line with occasional square "boxes" - those boxes are supposed to be carriage-return characters.
    (Can you tell I dislike Notepad?) 

    You can however import it into spreadsheet programs such as Excel and OpenOffice Calc - both of these do a reasonable job of importing the data, although Excel can only handle 65,536 rows (and the show I just exported needed more than that...)

    Regarding your WiFi issues - Congo Offline transmits occasional "Here I am!" network traffic to permit connection with WYSIWYG, Capture or other real time visualisation software, and my best guess is that the network sockets used by Congo Offline are in some way incompatible with your WiFi drivers.

    Which card do you have, and which method of WiFi connection are you using? (Eg: WinXP built-in Zero Config, Intel ProSET etc)

  • The Congo 'printouts' use a Unix standard which uses a single carriage-return character to terminate each line.

    Unfortunately, Windows Notepad still uses the non-standard "Carriage-return-plus-line-feed" method from the original MS-DOS instead, and is incapable of doing anything else.

    This means that Notepad interprets the file as a single line with occasional square "boxes" - those boxes are supposed to be carriage-return characters.
    (Can you tell I dislike Notepad?) 

    You can however import it into spreadsheet programs such as Excel and OpenOffice Calc - both of these do a reasonable job of importing the data, although Excel can only handle 65,536 rows (and the show I just exported needed more than that...)

    Regarding your WiFi issues - Congo Offline transmits occasional "Here I am!" network traffic to permit connection with WYSIWYG, Capture or other real time visualisation software, and my best guess is that the network sockets used by Congo Offline are in some way incompatible with your WiFi drivers.

    Which card do you have, and which method of WiFi connection are you using? (Eg: WinXP built-in Zero Config, Intel ProSET etc)
