Midi Show Control, and live update problems 6.0.3

During plotting and tech over the last few days I've seen what appear to be a couple of issues on our Junior with software 6.0.3.

The first is an issue when sending the congo msc go commands from QLab. If QLab is set up to send a cue such as cue "1" instead of "1.0" the the console would more often than not try and go to a non existent cue "1.9". Putting the ".0" in after the cue seems to solve this. The behaviour in this instance has changed several times over the course of Congo history if my memory is correct. In v4 you needed to include the first decimal place or nothing would happen, in v5 you could omit the decimal, now with v6 the outcome can be unpredictable.

The second issue I have is with the Live tab. often when plotting I've had a situation where using the +/-% keys has caused the actual level to go up, but not in the live tab, which will go up either some seconds later, or when a cue is updated, or recorded. A small issue but annoying none the less.



  • Hi Richard,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    If you put in the decimal place in the MSC GO command, will it always work?


    Regarding the Live tab: I have one earlier report about the Live tab not updating properly but we have never been able to reproduce anything similar. Do you have any more information about the specific case where it happens? Is it just when pressing +/-%? Do you have many channels selected?

    Do you have a network connected to Congo?

  • We've experienced the same problem with the Live tab not always displaying the correct level.  We noticed it when typing in levels, we weren't using +/-% much.  Usually only one channel selected.  We did notice that the client was displaying the correct level for the channel but the console was not.  It would generally correct itself after a few seconds.  Moving the level wheel also seemed to usually correct the display.


  • We've experienced the same problem with the Live tab not always displaying the correct level.  We noticed it when typing in levels, we weren't using +/-% much.  Usually only one channel selected.  We did notice that the client was displaying the correct level for the channel but the console was not.  It would generally correct itself after a few seconds.  Moving the level wheel also seemed to usually correct the display.

