Delay times

Hey All,

    We own 4 Elation Design Spot 300p and 6 Colorado 2s. When i get to the end of a song i fade out the DS 300ps so they can go to the next cue and the Colorado's change color but stay on. Right now i am using the FCB delay times so i can fade out the 300ps but than the Colorado's change color quick instead of fading. Is there a way to have the 300ps usr the FCB Delay but the Colorado's not?

  • Hi Russell

    On Congo & Congo Jr, if you load the preset you want to make a change to in 'B', select the channel(s) you want to delay, type in a time, hold down 'Delay' and hit the parameter key you want to delay, Congo then asks you three options, if you select  "Individual FCB Times" it only applies to the channel(s) you have selected.  You can tell it's worked as in the main playback window as the dots at the end of the timeline of that parameter turn red.

    You can also change the fade times of the individual parameters too by following the same method but holding down 'Time' instead.

    Hope that helps.

  • To expand on this, in Congo you can specify Delay and Time for FCB, individual channel attributes,and even individual attributes.

    There is a Time Editor button in Record and Update popups, and you can also edit these times in any Attribute Editor (Live, A/B, Preset List, Sequence List etc):

    • Open any Attribute Editor, with Spreadsheet Editing turned on. ([Setup] & [Tab])
    • Hold down [Format] and press the Down Arrow twice
    • This opens up extra Delay and Time cells. Enter numbers there using the normal spreadsheet editing methods.

    You can use the normal [Select] & [Arrow_Key] and [Column] keys to select lots of cells and modify them together.

  • To expand on this, in Congo you can specify Delay and Time for FCB, individual channel attributes,and even individual attributes.

    There is a Time Editor button in Record and Update popups, and you can also edit these times in any Attribute Editor (Live, A/B, Preset List, Sequence List etc):

    • Open any Attribute Editor, with Spreadsheet Editing turned on. ([Setup] & [Tab])
    • Hold down [Format] and press the Down Arrow twice
    • This opens up extra Delay and Time cells. Enter numbers there using the normal spreadsheet editing methods.

    You can use the normal [Select] & [Arrow_Key] and [Column] keys to select lots of cells and modify them together.

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