Which Focus Palette have I just updated?... Idiot-day-dilema

Obviously we all never make mistakes or forget like a goldfish the thing we were just doing seconds ago. But i was remembering a situation when checking the positions in my focus palettes for scans that needed daily tweaks on every position .

So i select the lamps and hit the direct select and they move to a position recorded - i tweak whats needed and update.

several updates later i have sent them to a position and panned and tilted for ages . I am just about to update the palette when i find myself swimming in a small glass tank looking for fish food and wondering why i am here etc etc ( i hope this sounds familiar to some people!)

The problem is now one of "which palette was i just updating?". So is there a tab i could have opened which would have told me what one im working on or currently in ? If not , could there be an indication of things like this in future releases? what do others think

In the meantime does anyone have any fish food?

  • Hello Andy -

    I've certainly had days like those! And, to help with that, we have a special mode just for doing what you describe called "Focusing Mode". You can find this in the Devices softkeys menu. In Focusing Mode, you can select which palette you want to update using the ML Display (if you have a Congo jr, I recommend using the Console Mimic Dock to use this mode), then the console will place all the channels recorded into that palette into the palette, and will turn on HIGHTLIGHT as well so you can see them. Then you can pan and tilt to your heart's content and at the end press the UPDATE PALETTE softkey. The ML Display will show you which palette you're working on, and UPDATE PALETTE will directly upadate that one only, so you don't have to worry about remembering which direct select key to hit. Make sense?

    The trick is to remember to turn Focusing Mode off when you're done... :-)

    I hope this helps-

    Thanks much -


  • DOH! Thats the one Sarah ! ... only used it several blooming times but never when updating. Glad i asked now

    Ps - can ETC marketing department come up with some programmer fish food though?


  • The other way to do it is to step through any Presets that use the palettes in question, make edits and use the {Update Palette} softkey to update all the altered palettes in one go.

    This will update the 'new' purple values into the palettes that were referenced in the last-played Preset.
    - It will also show you a list of Palettes it's going to Update, so you can cancel and manually do one of them.

    Even if I don't actually confirm, I still find it useful for those goldfish moments.

  • The other way to do it is to step through any Presets that use the palettes in question, make edits and use the {Update Palette} softkey to update all the altered palettes in one go.

    This will update the 'new' purple values into the palettes that were referenced in the last-played Preset.
    - It will also show you a list of Palettes it's going to Update, so you can cancel and manually do one of them.

    Even if I don't actually confirm, I still find it useful for those goldfish moments.

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