Dimmer check problems

We were stepping through our rig by dimmer today and noticed some odd responses.  We brought the lights up by dimmer from the Output Editor and then used the "+" key to step through.  Some of the lights snapped on immediately, some faded on over 2 seconds or so, some waited a moment and then faded on.  There didn't seem to be any pattern to which lights reacted which way.  The display was reacting the same as the lights.  We were working from the console, the client wasn't connected.



  • Hi Mat,

    It does sound very odd. There is no fade logic for outputs that I can think of.

    If you send me your show file, I'll try to reproduce it here.

    If you went back to a specific channel, did it have the same behavior each time (fade or snap)? What I mean is if a specific channel always responded in the same way or if the behavior changed each time.

  • Hi Mat,

    It does sound very odd. There is no fade logic for outputs that I can think of.

    If you send me your show file, I'll try to reproduce it here.

    If you went back to a specific channel, did it have the same behavior each time (fade or snap)? What I mean is if a specific channel always responded in the same way or if the behavior changed each time.
