Congo V6 Wait/Follow On/Alert functions don't work!


This is probably a case of operator error but in V6 of Congo whenever I program a sequence in which I require to use W/F/A times these do not seem to function as I expect. I imput the times in the relevent column of the sequence editor and these times appear in the main playback tab but the cues do not automatically follow on as they should, this is the case whever they are set to wait or follow-on, similarly if I set an alert time it does not happen. If however I change the sequence from a 'normal' sequence to a chase the cues do follow on, and not simply because they are in a chase, they follow on after the time specified in the column in the editor.

Am I missing something - I have read this section in the manual over and over but can't see what!



  • Hi Tom,

    I am sure you are aware, that follow-on times need to go in the Cue before the one you want to follow on, where as wait times need to go in the Cue you want to wait. Also you have to step a Cue back and "run" into the Cue with the time on it to work.
    Also make sure you don't have "Modify" turned on. This will force the desk to ignore W/F times.

    Hope that helps.


  • Thanks Florian - yeah I was aware of the distinction between wait and follow on and that I had to run into the cue - have just had a scan of the manual and it looks like this modify setting is the issue! I will see when I get back to the desk!

    Cheers again!
