RGB/CMY Encoder Wheels

Hi Sarah,

first: Thanks a lot for your training on Friday!

Second: I got a question to the encoder wheels.

In the color pallette, i only have cmy color wheels. Is it possible to change them into RGB color wheels?

Seems to me, that it is easier to change them in the desk than climbing up into the truss and change all moving heads back to CMY.

Kind regards,


  • Hi Alex -

    In v6.0.3 and earlier versions, you can use SETUP & COLOR to change the encoder wheels to RGB or HSI input values, which changes how the console inputs color info for all patched devices. If your fixtures are actually in an RGB input mode, though, you could also change the template for the fixture to have RGB parameters instead of CMY. Just open the template in the Browser (Browser>Patching>Settings & Tools>Templates>Template name [MODIFY]) and go to Cyan, press MODIFY to open the parameter dropdown menu, then select Red. Repeat for Magenta/Green and Yellow/Blue. This change is stored in the show file and is best done before a lot of programming has been done. :-)

    I hope this helps!



  • Hi Sarah,

    that´s exactly, what I wanted to reach.

    Everything is set now to RGB, and I´m happy!

    Thanks for your help.

    Kind regards,

