Learn alert

Does Learn alert not have any indication if it is active / ON or not?  If not can it be added?

Also, the Help function does not seem to work with many soft key buttons (such as Learn alert)


  • Hi Orri -

    It is indicated in the top of the Playback tab, near the "Build" or "Modify" indicators on the right hand side. We will look into the help function and see if we can add those keys in.

    You can always search in the help system  - open a help tab, then press the TEXT key to open the search dialog. Type in the term you are looking for and hit MODIFY - a tab containing links to all the pages containing that term will be shown.

    Thanks -


  • At the moment the Learn Alert starts the clock / timer the moment you hit the soft key button.  Would it not be better if the clock / timer started after / soon as you hit the next GO button, or you had the option to choose when it would start?


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