
I got my jr. last week , but i want to use a usv voltage supply before the jr.

But i need to know which power unit i have to buy and i cann not find how much the congo jr needs .

can anybody help ?

regards sudi

  • Sudi, "usv" is a bit cryptic. But have you looked at the nameplate rating on the supply you have? It's very hard to find a brick today that isn't marked "100-240VAC Input". On the other hand, if you really meant "a supply without a floppy line receptacle adapter that might interrupt power in a stiff breeze", why not call your ETC vendor for what you need?

    If I found out that the programmer I hired was running off a power supply he got on eBay, I wouldn't hire him again. I've bought plenty of aftermarket wall warts, but I don't put a mission-critical device on them!

    Another example, just to make it clear what I mean: I can't tell you how many Speaker Support computers provided and run by reputable vendors have suddenly started to download Bill Gates' latest updates, or begun an anti-virus scan just as the CEO stepped to the podium ....

  • Sorry my english is not the best.

    I mean a external Powersupply which can buffer if the house power net will broke down.

    Now i want to Know how much Watts the congo will take during runing , i know both Monitors take 44 Watts , so that i can buy a buffer with ??? Watt

    regards Sudi

Reply Children
  • Sorry Sudi, I assumed that "usv" meant U.S. voltage, and that you were bringing your console out on tour! One of the more common English terms for what you describe is UPS, or Uninterruptable Power Supply.

    Because I do not have a Congo in my theater I cannot provide any further help. Sometimes the nameplate on the rear panel of the console can answer this question. But to tell the truth, I used a clamp-on ammeter to determine the actual current drawn by my console! Multiplying this by the line voltage does not produce the actual power drawn with laboratory accuracy, but if the UPS capacity is far above the console's draw anyway, it can be accurate enough.
